Interested in becoming a Brackley Town Councillor?

We currently have one vacancy for Brackley South Ward to be filled by co-option. If you are passionate about the town and would like to offer your skills and experience, this may be the next step for you.
Brackley Town Council has an annual budget of £1M to look after open spaces, play areas, cemeteries, events, community buildings and many other areas the town council manages and maintains. As a local Councillor, you can become a voice for your community, make decisions and invest time in local projects and issues to the benefit of residents and the neighbourhood.
For further information about how to apply and the eligibility criteria, please see our application form here.
Interested candidates should fill in the application form below and return to:
Alternatively, post the application form to:
- Town Clerk
- Brackley Town Council
- 20 High Street
- Brackley
- NN13 7DS
Closing date: Wednesday 17 May 2023
Applicants will then be invited to the June Full Town Council meeting.
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