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Brackley Town Mayor 2023-2024

Councillor Elaine Wiltshire 

The position of Town Mayor is one traditionally maintained in Brackley originating from the historic Royal Charter granted in 1260.

The Town Mayor acts as Chairman and presides at full meetings of the Town Council. Robes and full civic insignia are worn at these meetings and the presence of the Mace indicates the Town Mayor is present in her/his official capacity. As Chairman, the Town Mayor has control of full council meeting procedures ensuring compliance with the law and good order.

The Town Mayor will attend civic events held throughout the year such the Remembrance Service and Parade, Civic Service and Community Carols. It is also usual that the Town Mayor will nominate local charities and/or organisations to benefit from fund raising activities during their term of office.

Invitations to Brackley Town Mayor

As first citizen, the Town Mayor is the proper person to represent the town on ceremonial occasions locally and elsewhere. Invitations are welcome from all Brackley based organisations, schools, businesses etc. who may wish the Town Mayor to attend any event or function be it a new shop opening, school assembly, community event or 100th birthday celebration.

If you wish to invite the Town Mayor to attend events and functions, please fill out and complete the form attached HERE. Once you have completed this form, please return to: 

Brackley Town Council, 20 High Street, Brackley, Northants, NN13 7DS

Alternatively, please email the form to: cllr.ewiltshire@brackleynorthants-tc.gov.uk and cc: town.clerk@brackleynorthants-tc.gov.uk 

If unable to attend an event, the Town Mayor may ask the Deputy Town Mayor to attend on their behalf, but is not under any obligation to do so.

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