Unitary Councillors & Member of Parliament
West Northamptonshire Council Members for Brackley
Cllr Anthony Bagot-Webb | 35 John Clare Close NN13 1GG | 01280 702787 07808 0136670 | Conservative |
Cllr Fiona Baker | c/o Democratic Services One Angel Square Angel Street Northampton NN1 1ED | 01280 423222 07972 194680 | Conservative |
Cllr Sue Sharps | 3 Champion Court NN13 6LU | 07966 416025 | Independent |
Member of Parliament
The Rt. Hon. Andrea Leadsom MP
Conservative Member of Parliament for South Northamptonshire
House of Commons
London. SW1A 0AA
Constituency Office
1 Victoria House
138 Watling Street East
Northants. NN12 6BT
01327 353124
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