Brackley Town Council

Councillors and Wards
Brackley Town Council is made up of 16 Councillors, from Brackley's four wards – North, South, East and West. Councillors are elected every four years to represent their particular wards. The most recent election was held on 7 May 2021.
All Town Councillors are volunteers, and receive no payment.
Although described as a Town Council, Brackley Town Council is classified as a Parish Council and has the same status in relation to the other tiers of local government as the many smaller Parish Councils in the surrounding villages.
This means it can be difficult to know which tier of Council is responsible for services. For example West Northamptonshire Council is the local Planning Authority and makes all planning decisions whilst Brackley Town Council has a consultative role.

Our Responsibilities
Included in Brackley Town Council's responsibilities are the installation and upkeep of our many Play Spaces; maintenance of green spaces (some of which are owned by the Council whilst others are maintained on behalf of other bodies which contribute to the cost) and the maintenance of our many dog waste bins.
The Town Clerk's office is located at: 20 High Street, Brackley, NN13 7DS.
Council Meetings are held in The Civic Hall, Brackley Town Hall, Market Place on the 1st Monday on each month. Committee meetings are generally held on 3rd Monday of each month - see the diary of meetings for more information.
Residents are welcome to attend all meetings of the Council and its committees.
Please see below for a summary of what Brackley Town Council are responsible for:
- Bus Shelters (shared with WNC)
- Cemetery
- Dog Waste Bins
- Flower Beds & Tubs
- Footpaths (Parks & St James Lake)
- Grass Cutting
- Grit Bins (shared with WNC)
- Litter Bins (shared with WNC)
- Charter Market
- Parks and Open Spaces
- Play Equipment
- Town Events
- War Memorial
- Brackley Town Hall
- Egerton Community Hall
- Old Fire Station Community Hall
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