Hedge Laying Community Project

From mid-January, the Brackley Town Council estates team will be restoring and laying around 100 metres of hedge at St James Lake. This is part of a CPRE grant funded project to help improve biodiversity in the town and create long lasting hedges which will provide a habitat for a wide range of wild life.
The project will start with a hedge laying course for some of our estates team and volunteers. In earnest, we are keen to involve the community so skills can be passed on and further areas of hedge can be restored in the coming years.
If you would like to get involved in this hedge laying project, we will be working during various week days and plan to run weekend sessions as well.
The restoration will involve laying the existing hedge by thinning out excess growth and replanting any gaps with new hedging plants.
Laying hedges promotes growth in the lower parts of the hedge which then provides a diverse habitat for a wide range of wildlife and allows wild flowers to flourish.
We will also be creating 100m of new hedge which again in time will improve much needed habitats and bio diversity.
We are keen to get as many people involved in this project from all age groups and abilities. There are many jobs which you can help with big or small.
If you wish to get involved in the project, please contact Brackley Town Council on 01280 702441 or email office@brackleynorthants-tc.gov.uk.
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